Virtual Learning Environments

Source: Department of Education and Skills, Digital Digital Strategy for Schools 2015-2020, Enhancing Teaching, Learning and Assessment, P.19. In light of your understanding of pedagogy and technology please provide a critical commentary on the following statement:

“The concept of teaching and learning through the use of ICT is highly complex. The introduction of ICT into a learning environment does not in and of itself bring about change in pedagogical practice. (Butler et al., 2013; p.5)”



ICT has completely changed the world over the course of the past two decades and we have seen an excessive influx of it in modern jobs and teaching is no exception. With this, there is a question surrounding whether teachers are pedagogically using ICT in the classroom is it just being used a replacement for traditional resources. ICT does not, nor should it bring about the change in the pedagogical practice, a good teacher should not be defined by what kind of resources that they use but instead how they use these resources, if they need them at all. Having said all of that, there is by no means any reason why these influx of ICT resources should replace sufficient teaching strategies. ICT is a bonus opposed to an assistance or replacement in education for both teacher and student material. However with this recent introduction of ICT there is a simple question then to follow, what training is provided to teachers to use ICT to ensure the obstacles of ICT competency for teachers is managed first before using it for the pupils. What is the point of using ICT at all if the teachers are not trained in how to appropriately incorporating them into their pedagogy. Schools find it difficult to effectively integrate ICT into their everyday practice.’

For the purpose of this essay,  I will be examining the 2014 Horizon School Report and the OECD report on ICT in education across the globe, the NCCA key skills in Ireland in addition to appraising to the Digital Strategy for Schools 2015-2020, Enhancing teaching, learning and Assessment.


Department of Education; Strategies for Digital Learning

The Publication by the Department of Education and skills on digital strategy acknowledges the issue that incorporating ICT into the classroom is not a simple matter and requires more than just simple teaching. The ‘difficulty in integrating ICT arises from traditional school practices rather than teachers’ views of teaching.’ Through my own research regarding the teacher’s’ view on the use of ICT in class, many teachers hold a strong view that both students and teachers need to have skills in using ICT with 82% of 50 people seeing it as vital for students and 62% completely agreeing teachers need to have the same skill. It is undeniable that ICT has paved the way for a new and easy way of living but in no circumstance should it be our replacement.

The strategy claims senior cycle pupils should be encouraged to build on their previous knowledge of ICT, but I think there needs to be an argument made for the lack of specific subjects relating to ICT at senior cycle in a total. With all of these new reforms to Junior Certificate subjects they do little to prep students for the senior cycle examinations as it stands. Incorporating more assessment and CA to be digitally submitted would encourage teachers to become familiar with ICT basics. This however would not be utilising ICT as a replacement for teaching and learning but more so an appropriate way to play on senior’s prior development of skills developed at junior cycle. On top of that, LCVP and and TY, which are optional in comparison to the mainstream leaving certificate all offer ICT modules and assessment even though some teachers may not be as accustomed to using ICT and may not receive the appropriate training due to lack of numbers in these programmes.

The NCCA highlights how the use of ICT can be used to promote certain key skills. Their most notable is that of information processing and communicating. It suggests using ICT such as powerpoints etc but I think there needs to be more practical uses of ICT if hoping to promote ICT in this area.

My main argument is that a teacher is not defined by what sources and how up to date they are with modern technology. Having said that, I am not denying that certain ICT tools are not phenomenal for helping pupils. Web 2.0 Tools have certainly proved useful in helping to enhance such skills. PodOMatic delivers as a strong device for both skills, as WordPress and other forms of online sharing sites certainly enhance literacy and numeracy especially for students with dyspraxia and dyslexia allowing them to make corrections easier and building on other skills.

Concern for ICT pedagogy in curriculum has been address by the Tpack program. The Tpack is a ‘Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) is a framework to understand and describe the kinds of knowledge needed by a teacher for effective pedagogical practice in a technology enhanced learning environment.’ It attempts to identify the nature of knowledge required by teachers for technology their use and integration of such into the classroom. The framework of which extends on Shulman’s idea of Pedagogical content knowledge. ‘Shulman defined pedagogical content knowledge as teachers’ interpretations and transformations of subject-matter knowledge in the context of facilitating student learning.’ With this, teachers can appropriately introduce ICT into their teaching without relying on ICT to drive the class, but instead their prior multifaceted knowledge of teaching.

Horizon Report Europe – 2014                  

The Horizon Report Europe – 2014 School Edition details some of the finding in recent years as to what impact ICT is having on education and what obstacles are arising including using tablets in the classroom and most notably combating ICT incompetence.

A question raised that I find to be of keen interest is ‘Which technologies will be most important to teaching, learning, or creative inquiry in European schools within the next five years?’ The Horizon report depicts the issue for the necessity of adolescents becoming familiar with ICT in schools. Statistically, it shows 90% of jobs in Europe by 2020 will require some ICT skills which is highlighted by the progression at which ICT is replacing filing and hard copy records. However, Horizon clarify this as a compatible issue, however it is vital we address is properly

Currently teaching students, I can see the necessity for familiarity with ICT and how it can engage pupils in a topic. However coming from a DEIS school I can still see an issue of funding and students overall competence with technology.With that ICT does not necessarily assist in classroom management, yes powerpoints and short videos from YouTube are beneficial for focusing students but in no way clarify a topic for them if not appropriately related back to their own unique understanding and comparative thinking.

Jean Piaget conducted insightful research into the stages of intellectual development. At this stage of an adolescent’s progress they are becoming more capable of mentally figuring things out over practically. ‘Piaget considered the concrete stage a major turning point in the child’s cognitive development, because it marks the beginning of logical or operational thought.’ In addition to that, if we look at Piaget’s work on constructivism, and from this we can see the necessity of strategy in appropriately using digital sources in the classroom. ‘Fifty years of experience have taught us that knowledge does not result from a mere recording of observations without a structuring activity on the part of the subject.’ People construct their own understanding and knowledge through their own experiences, a teacher’s role is to promote this form of learning.  We incorporate things knowledge such as where the student comes from, their interests and domestic trends; we use ICTas a means to encourage this similarly as to how we appropriately use a poster in class, by customising and individualising the resource to accommodate the pupils prior understanding. ‘Piaget does place enormous stress on the fact that the young knower is both mentally and physically active; indeed, knowledge growth is described by Piaget in terms of the dynamic processes of assimilation, accommodation, and equilibration, and the construction and internalization of action schemas.’ To relate this statement to our ICT and pedagogy, a teacher provokes the pupils’ mental and critical development; ICT cannot provide the pupils with a challenge unless it has a purpose for form of assessment. Therefore strategy and curriculum for independent thinking come into vital effect.

Furthermore, if we examine the role of the servant leader, promoted by Robert Greenleaf, one does not rely on ICT or any form of practical resource for a good lesson, but instead to rely on pupils cognitive development as Piaget suggested. Our job as teachers is not replaced by machines, instead it is more apparent than ever that teachers are present to accommodate the new ethical issues that arise with adolescents using modern technology and ensure the new generation are not over reliant on ICT to promote their practical and basic understanding of their cognitive development.


Ireland’s Position in the ranks of how much ICT is used in schools across the globe.

The OECD report recently published statistics regarding how much ICT is used in schools in countries around the world. The stats showed that Ireland was placed in the centre illustrating a happy medium between reliance on ICT and practical resources.

‘Ireland is ranked fifth from the bottom for use of ICT in schools, and fourth from the bottom for the use of ICT for schoolwork at home, the report shows. Irish teenagers spend on average 16 minutes on the internet at school during weekdays compared to an OECD average of 25 minutes, and a high of 58 minutes in Australia.’

Other countries such as Australia however had a stark contrast with a high percentage of time allocated to students using ICT in school. Furthermore we rank one of the lowest for use and dependance on the Internet in schools. To some, including myself, this comes as a surprise as more and more schools in Ireland are adapting to virtual classrooms such as Edmodo, Google Classroom and Eportal being more frequently used in classrooms throughout the country. A simple question arises from this statistic, does this sue of ICT work? I furthered examined Australia’s ICT policy in schools to receive a clearer image as to what exactly is dividing the youth

Examining the Pedagogies and Digital Content in the Australian School Sector by Robert Baker we can receive a coherent reason as to why and how Australia has focused so much on ICT  in schools. They have taken part in a lot of research regarding the necessity of ICT for pupils in school. ‘Theories of learning have been promoted and adapted, models of online learning design identified, pedagogy and professional development frameworks developed, standards established for teachers to work towards, and extensive professional support provided centrally and in schools.’ Cross examining this with Irish schools we can see differences in ratios of number of students to computer;

‘The student-computer ratio (SCR) in Irish schools is 9.1:1 at primary level and 7:1 at post-primary level. Information available from the OECD suggests that countries that have taken the lead in the provision of ICT in schools are aiming for or achieving a SCR of 5:1.’

In return Australia, aimed that by the end of 2011, there would be a ratio of 1:1 in terms of number of computers to students, a significant difference to Ireland’s 7:1 at post-Primary. Australia, will have the country will have supplied ‘individual desktops, laptops and iPads for more than 500,000 students between grades 9 and 12.’ With these drastic differences in recent years to Australian education, only time will tell how effective or ineffective it will become. Their excessive reliance on ICT should not be frowned upon but neither should it be applauded as ICT is in Steve Jobs word, is alone not enough. ‘Technology married with liberal arts [and} humanities, that … makes our hearts sing.’

The most striking find in the OECD report and analysis is that “Another interpretation is that we have not yet become good enough at the kind of pedagogies that make the most of technology . . . Technology can amplify great teaching, but great technology cannot replace poor teaching.” Teachers are still the ones who make a lesson great. Even MOOC courses quality are based on what effort is placed on the teaching, learning and assessment.



To conclude, I think there is a lot to the said for the title of the text published by the Department of Education and Skills. The text is a digital strategy to enhance teaching, learning and assessment. It does not in any way show how good a teacher is if there is a fancy ICT tool in the class. Simply returning to the point that the resources does not make the teacher but the teacher makes the resource whatever that may be. I recently engaged in a conversation on twitter regarding how could certain video games be used to teach students about a subject like history. Certain games create immersive worlds which illustrate how historical time periods such as the Middle Ages and Renaissance Italy. Undeniably ICT use with smart phones, video games and the internet provide quick and easy access for people for information and self motivated learning. However, it is still the case that a teacher needs to incorporate ICT and not to use it as a fit replacement for their pedagogy.

Works Cited

Charlier, Nathalie, and Bieke De Fraine. “Game-Based Learning in Teacher Education.” International Journal of Game-Based Learning 2.2 (2012): 1-12. Print.

Doering, Aaron et al. “Using the technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge framework to design online learning environments and professional development.” Journal of Educational Computing Research 41.3 (2009): 319-346.

“Education and Technology Development.” (2013). Print.

Howell, Jennifer. Teaching with ICT: Digital Pedagogies for Collaboration & Creativity. Print.

Humphreys, John. Irish teens among best at using internet – The Irish Times. 2015. 17 May. 2016 <>

Johnson, Larry, Samantha Adams Becker, Victoria Estrada, Alex Freeman, Panagiotis Kampylis, Riina Vuorikari, and Yves Punie. The NMC Horizon Report Europe: 2014 Schools Edition. Luxembourg: Publications Office, 2014. Print.

“Key Skills.” – National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. Web. 20 May 2016.

Lehrer, Jonah. “Steve Jobs: “Technology Alone Is Not Enough”.” The New Yorker. 07 Oct. 2011. Web. 20 May 2016.

Mulkeen, Aidan. “The Digital Divide in Irish Schools: Should We Be Worried?” Irish Educational Studies 22.1 (2003): 165-81. Print.

Schmidt, Denise A et al. “Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) the development and validation of an assessment instrument for preservice teachers.” Journal of Research on Technology in Education 42.2 (2009): 123-149.

Shulman, Lee. “Knowledge and teaching: Foundations of the new reform.” Harvard educational review 57.1 (1987): 1-23.

“Strengthening Education for Innovation.” OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2012 OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook (2012). Print.

Transforming the Way We Learn: A Vision for the Future of ICT in Schools. London: Dept. for Education and Skills, 2002. Print.


Practical Living skills.

Curriculum in education is a very controversial matter and with the recent introduction of the new Junior Certificate programme. Kevin Williams and Elaine McDonald cover a wide range of issues dealing with Curriculum inquiry in Ireland and raise valid points and


Pedagogy and Curriculum:

Can education ever have a system where one suit fits all? It is safe to say no as we all have different learning capabilities. An argument could be made that any type of education is better than none but surely we need to encourage diversity and not solely gear students toward the jobs in growing society but of course to ensure they are provided with as much choice as possible. Motivation is a prime concern for pupils in schools but


The LCA programme analysis is without a doubt the most intriguing section for me personally. Why? I currently teach LCA and it is, in theory, without a shadow of a doubt perfect for students who would not suffice and get what they need through the general leaving certificate programme. The main reason I reckon it fails in addition to what MacDonald and Williams states is because of low numbers. LCA is evidently for the weaker students and in many schools, especially DEIS, weak students are sometimes too the students with the worst behaviour records and therefore are sent to LCA so they won’t disrupt the general leaving cert classes.

Connecting the Curriculum with Practical Learning

It is vital that subjects in school are taught in relation to students own original knowledge and understandings. Would advancing LCA solve the problems that have come with it? It may increase the numbers of pupils for the course and therefore allow schools to place more emphasis on subject variety for the pupils and would allow students to further explore their interested area without the concern of lack of work. I would undoubtedly agree with the idea of advancing LCA, simply because the lack of work and course material to cover in subjects. The aim of the LCA programme is ‘to prepare students for the transition from the world of education to that of adult and working life including further education.’


In response to the suggestions in particular regarding the focus of guidance counsellors, I think there is still a great deal done by counselors to encourage the appropriate students for LCA. I cannot base my opinion off one school however I can say that the improvement of LCA does not boil down to the school but the curriculum overall. Many schools that do hope to treat LCA appropriately . A workload that parallels the general leaving certificate but differs in marking schemes and subjects. Often students who are weak sometimes also tend to be the worst for discipline, the main issue for discipline is a lack of work for pupils. Broader subject choices is definitely something that would encourage LCA numbers. The text argues some subjects are not gender neutral but many schools who do have LCA do not have access to construction workshops or art classrooms so it comes down.


It is currently maybe seen that LCA limits the careers in which pupil can per


For the Presentation:

Practical abilities are just as important

What programme would connect pupils to the outside world. The LCVP programme certainly encourages such practical skills, gearing pupils towards employability for when they are to leave school and pursue their goals.  

The LCA programme also is relative to such ideas but has been viewed under any different lights as a result of the types of students that it attracts.

Originally created as a supplement leaving certificate, provided for the weaker students academically, the LCA course has instead been almost tarnished for the reason that many schools categorised it as a the course for the more uncooperative students with discipline issues over the students who properly do LCA.

On top of that there is a lack of flexibility in the programme for students and subject choices. Most likely because there is a low number in the programme

I chose this section as it is relative to the new junior cert, which focuses on how to promote practical skills such as communication and information management, all relative for he outside world.



  • Williams and McNamara explained in 1985 that there was not a significant amount of research and development on improving the school curriculum to enhance practical living skills.
  • LCA was introduced


Financing is of course a majo

Age of Exploration

This is a series of definitions for the navigation for the Age of Exploration section.

Mr. Courtney                                                                                                                                                   4/9/2014

Age of Exploration

Advances in Travel

  • Maps
  • At the beginning of the fifteenth century, cartographers (people who drew maps) produced more detailed maps of Europe and the known world.
  • The Portuguese used maps called portolan (which means harbour finding) maps which were very detailed about the coastline.
  • Navigation
  • Sailors used compasses to show the direction in which they were sailing.
  • Sailors began to work out their latitude (their distance north or south of the equator) using instruments called quadrants and astrolabes. Both instruments measured the height of the sun or the north star above the horizon.
  • The speed of a ship was measured using the log and line. A sailor threw a piece of wood (log) into the sea from the back of the boat. This was attached to a reel of knotted rope (line). The amount of rope that was pulled by the wood in one minute was then measured.
  • Life on the ship
  • Life at sea was tough. Ships could end up hundreds of miles off course, especially in seas that had never been mapped. Shipwrecks due to storms or crashing into rocks were common. Biscuits called hardtack were commonly eaten. Other food sailors ate included cheese, onions, dried beans, and salted fish or recently caught fish.
  • This poor diet meant that the crews regularly suffered from diseases such as typhoid (from bad water) and scurvy (from a lack of vitamin C).
  • Sailors often found themselves attacked by hostile natives.

#5j16, #classroom-ideas, #edchatie, #history, #key-skills, #teaching-resources-2

Series of Quotations: ICT in the Classroom

Courtesy of :

1) “Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is most important.” – Bill Gates

2) “There can be infinite uses of the computer and of new age technology, but if teachers themselves are not able to bring it into the classroom and make it work, then it fails.” – Nancy Kassebaum

3) “Any teacher that can be replaced with a computer, deserves to be.” – David Thornburg

4) “Teachers need to integrate technology seamlessly into the curriculum instead of viewing it as an add-on, an afterthought, or an event.” – Heidi-Hayes Jacobs

5) “It is not about the technology; it’s about sharing knowledge and information, communicating efficiently, building learning communities and creating a culture of professionalism in schools. These are the key responsibilities of all educational leaders.” – Marion Ginapolis

6) “Education is evolving due to the impact of the Internet. We cannot teach our students in the same manner in which we were taught. Change is necessary to engage students not in the curriculum we are responsible for teaching, but in school. Period.” – April Chamberlain

7) “We need to embrace technology to make learning more engaging. Because when students are engaged and they are interested, that’s where learning takes place.”

8) “We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher’s hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world.” – David Warlick

9) “When we talk about 21st century pedagogy, we have to consider many things—the objectives of education, the curriculum, how assessment strategies work, the kind of technology infrastructure involved, and how leadership and policy facilitate attaining education goals.” – Chris Dede, Harvard University

10) 21st Century Education won’t be defined by any new technology. It won’t be just defined by 1:1 technology programs or tech-intensive projects. 21st Century Education will, however, be defined by a fundamental shift in what we are teaching – a shift towards learner-centered education and creating creative thinkers. – Karl Fisch

11) “Integrating technology with face-to-face teacher time generally produces better academic outcomes than employing either technique alone.” – Edutopia

12) “Yes, kids love technology, but they also love legos, scented markers, handstands, books and mud puddles. It’s all about balance.”

13) “Technology can become the “wings” that will allow the educational world to fly farther and faster than ever before—if we will allow it.” – Jenny Arledge

14) Teachers need to stop saying, “Hand it in,” and start saying “Publish It.” Alan November

15)  “The technology itself is not transformative. It’s the school, the pedagogy, that is transformative.” – Tanya Byron

16) “It is important to remember that educational software, like textbooks, is only one tool in the learning process. Neither can be a substitute for well-trained teachers, leadership, and parental involvement.” – Keith Krueger

17) “ICT is not the future of our chidren’s education, it is the present and we need to make investment in ICT now!” – National Association of Advisors for Computer in Education

18)  The real power of interactive technologies is that they let us learn in ways that aren’t otherwise possible or practical. – David Lassner

19) “The need to know the capital of Florida died when my phone learned the answer: Rather, the students of tomorrow need to be able to think creatively: they will need to learn on their own, adapt to new challenges and innovate on-the-fly.” – Anthony Chivetta, high school student in Missouri

20) “Learners in the internet age don’t need more information. They need to know how to efficiently use the massive amount of information available at their fingertips – to determine what’s credible, what’s relevant, and when its useful to reference.” – Anna Sabramowicz

#5j16, #edchatie, #ict

Notes for Virtual Environment

Lecture 2 : Day 2: Enda Donlon

What does the term virtual environment mean to you?

  • simulation
  • using more than the light  switch with tech in the class

Specific contexts and learning:

A virtual learning environment is a set of teaching and learning tools integrated into one system, which is designed to enhance the students’

defining characteristic:

  • designed info space
  • social space: educational interactions occur
  • virtual space is explicitly represented
  • integrate heterogeneous technologies and multiple pedagogical approaches



  • Moodle + Edmodo
  • blackboard


  • content creation
  • communication
  • collaboration
  • assessment and marking
  • management
  • differential access


1916 Breakdown for students

Irish proclamation readingThe Irish Proclamation was mainly written by Padraig Pearse, who read it out under the portico of the GPO just before noon on Easter Monday 1916, the Proclamation declared Ireland as a sovereign independent Republic.  Copies of the proclamation were then pasted on buildings around Dublin city centre.

1000 copies of the proclamation had been printed in secret at Liberty Hall on the night before and morning of Easter Monday 1916, in time for the start of the Rising. Added to the very tight deadline for printing, there were problems with the design and layout of the original document, which the typesetters and printers did well to overcome considering the tension and danger they were in.  Three typesetters were used, Willie O’Brien, Michaoriginal proclamationel Molloy and Christopher Brady, all had difficulty with the supply of type letters and lack of same size or font, which resulted in the text of the final document being mismatched.  The document had to be printed in two halves due to the lack of type set, the top half of the document was printed first and then the bottom section was printed on the same paper.  The document measured 20 x 30” (a popular theatre poster size of the time), white in colour with a greyish tinge.  The paper used was actually quite a poor quality, it was thin and easily tore, supplied by the Swift Brook Paper Mill in Saggart, Co Dublin, who had a reputation for quality paper, but the paper provided in 1916 was poorer to the Mill’s normal quality as the linen normally used in the production of paper was used for bandages during the Great War, which meant all paper produced at the time was a poorer quality.

It is thought there are about 30 to 50 of the original 1000 copies still in existence.  The actual original signed Irish Proclamation was never found and was more than likely destroyed during the surrender or soon after. Seán T O’Kelly, who participated Proclamation 1916 read outin the 1916 Rising and who became President of Ireland, presented his copy to the Irish parliament building and is on display in Leinster House.  Other original copies of the Irish Proclamation can be seen in the National Print Museum in Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, National Museum of Ireland in Dublin and in the GPO Museum. Every year on Easter Sunday, as part of the 1916 Rising commemorations, an officer of the Irish Defence Forces reads the Irish Proclamation outside the GPO.


Signatories to the Irish Proclamation 1916

Thomas J Clarke 1916Thomas James Clarke

  • First signatory of the Irish Proclamation due to his seniority.
  • Born on the Isle of Wight, 1857.
  • Father was a soldier in the British army.
  • Spent time in America as a young man where he joined Clann na nGael, later to return to America his connection to Clann na nGael brought him to a strong position in the revolutionary movement in Ireland.
  • Served a 15 year prison term for his part in a bombing campaign in London, 1883-1898.
  • Treasurer of the Irish Republican Brotherhood and a member of the Supreme Council from 1915.
  • Easter Rising, occupied the GPO.
  • Executed 3rd May 1916.


Sean MacDiarmada 1916Seán MacDiarmada

  • Born in Leitrim, 1884.
  • Emigrated to Glasgow in 1900, then to Belfast in 1902.
  • Member of the Gaelic League.
  • Joined Republic Brotherhood in 1906 when in Belfast.
  • Moved to Dublin in 1908.
  • Became manager of IRB’s newspaper ‘Irish Freedom’ in 1910.
  • Afflicted with polio in 1912.
  • Drafted onto military committee of IRB I 1915.
  • Easter Rising, occupied the GPO.
  • Executed 12th May 1916.



Padraig Pearse

  • Born in Dublin, 1879.
  • Interested in Irish culture since a teenager.
  • 1896 became a member of the Executive Committee of the Gaelic League.
  • Graduated from the Royal University 1901, degree in Arts & Law.
  • Published extensively in both Irish and English.
  • Became editor of the newspaper of the Gaelic League ‘An Claidheamh Soluis’.
  • Founder member of the Irish Volunteers and the author of the Proclamation of Independence.
  • Present in the GPO during the Rising, Commander in Chief of the Irish forces.
  • Executed on 3rd May 1916.


James Connolly 1916James Connolly

  • Born in Edinburgh in 1868.
  • Was a member of the British army, stint in Ireland.
  • Returned to Scotland and the strong Irish presence in Edinburgh developed Connelly’s interest in Irish politics in  the mid 1890s.
  • Emigrated to Dublin in 1896.
  • Founded the Irish Socialist Republication Party.
  • Spent time in America before returning to Ireland to campaign for worker’s rights with James Larkin.
  • Also campaigned against religious bigotry.
  • Co-founder of  the Irish Citizen Army in 1913.
  • Easter Rising, appointed Commandant-General of the Dublin forces, leader of the group who occupied the GPO. Wounded during their Easter Rising.
  • Executed sitting in a chair as unable to stand due to his wounds, 12 May 1916. Last of the leaders to be executed.


Thomas MacDonagh 1916Thomas McDonagh

  • Born in Tipperary, 1878.
  • Moved to Dublin to study, became a teacher and founded St. Enda’s school with Padraig Pearse.
  • Position at the English Department, University College Dublin
  • Wrote play ‘When the Dawn is Come’, produced at the Abbey.
  • Appointed director of training for the Irish Volunteers in 1914.
  • Appointed to the IRB military committee in 1916
  • Easter Rising, Commander of the Second Battalion of Volunteers, occupied Jacob’s biscuit factory.
  • Executed 3rd May 1916


Eamonn Ceannt 1916Éamonn Ceannt 

  • Born in Galway, 1891
  • Employed by the Dublin Corporation
  • Co-founder of the Irish Volunteers, involved in the Howth gun-running operation in 1914
  • Interest in Irish culture, Irish language and history
  • Played the Uileann Pipes
  • Easter Rising, Commander of the Fourth Battalion of Irish Volunteers, taking possession of the South Dublin Union (now St. James’ Hospital)
  • Executed on 8th May 1916.


Joseph Mary Plunkett 1916

Joseph Mary Plunkett

  • Born in Dublin, 1887.
  • Son of a papal count, educated in England, returned to Ireland and graduated from U.C.D. in 1909.
  • Travelled for two years before returning to Dublin in 1911.
  • Love of literature and became editor of the Irish Review.  With MacDonagh and Edward Martyn he established an Irish National Theatre.
  • Joined  the Irish Volunteers in 1913.
  • Became a member of the IRB in 1914.
  • Travelled to Germany to meet Roger Casement in 1915.
  • Appointed Director of Military Operations during the Rising, with overall responsibility for military strategy.
  • Easter Rising, occupied the GPO.
  • While imprisoned in Kilmainham Gaol following the surrender he married Grace Gifford.
  • Executed on 4th May 1916

Inspirational Quotes, ICT

The following are a series of quotes relative to ICT and teaching:

Albert Einstein;

“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.”

Bill Gates;

“Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.”

‘I think it’s fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we’ve ever created. They’re tools of communication, they’re tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user.’


Droichead                 LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE


Student Teacher 

Brian Courtney



St David’s C.B.S.

Class Group / Subject

A4 / RE




Scheme Theme

Foundations of Christianity

Lesson Topic 

Life in Palestine Part I – The House



Lesson …..1 in a series of …12

DURATION of lesson


Intended Learning Outcomes

(Knowledge, Understanding, Skills, Attitudes)


·         The class will know the main features of a house in Palestine during the time of Jesus.

·         The students will be able to acknowledge where Palestine is located in the world.

·         Through their own interpretation of society of the class will be able to distinguish the characteristics of Palestinian house and a modern home.



Assessment of Learning Outcomes.

(ie. What assessment will you use to show you that learning has taken place?)


  • By showing a map of Palestine the pupils will understand where the Holy Land is situated and where keys cities such as Bethlehem and Nazareth are located.
  • Through the comparison exercise, the class will get 5 differences between a modern society and the society of a Palestinian house through their own interpretation of data.
  • Survivor Series Challenge



A Question of Faith
Display and Electronic media

Life in Palestine PowerPoint

–          Image of House and people


Teaching Strategy:


Teacher exposition,

Interpretation of Data, Concept Learning.



Phase  1 Brief Outline
  I will
  • start the lesson by taking the role,
  • Then I will recap by informing the students to learn a list of key definitions for a quiz for the following class.
  • Display the learning outcome on the PowerPoint and carry on the lesson.
Phase 2 Brief Outline
  I will begin by
  • Displaying a map of Palestine during the time of Jesus on the overhead projector. The map will highlight some key regions in Palestine that will outline some important locations which the pupils will record.
  • Use lower order questions to ask about each part of the map. What happened where etc. (Nazareth, Bethlehem)


Phase 3 Brief Outline
I will

·         Have the class write down their dream home, following that, write down the main features of their homes.

·         then show an image of a house that people lived in during the time of Palestine.

·         I will ask the pupils what they notice about the image and have them compare the house to their own modern homes and then their dream homes to break down the comparison.

·         I will carry on by displaying images of the interior of the home.

Phase 4 Brief Outline
I will
  • to conclude I will have the class answer lower order questions relevant to what was covered during the lesson in a quiz style format to assess their learning in the class

i.              What are the main provinces of Palestine?

ii.             What are the main features of the Palestinian house?

iii.            Would have living in these houses been ideal for the people of Palestine at this time?

–          Their homework will be a series of questions.

Phase Brief Outline


What are teachers’ perceptions of using ICT in the classroom?

My preface and initial draft for my thesis I have started in college.


Education is the most powerful tool we can use to change the world. Throughout the years there have been significant developments in technology. These developments have revolutionised and have enhanced almost everything in our day to day lives. Shopping, exercise, transport and communication have come much further in 10 years then they did in the past 100 and education is not different.

Teachers in schools all over the world have seen a new influx of technology in the classroom and, for many; it has changed the way we plan for a lesson. Whether it is by using PowerPoints, YouTube, Social Media, Podcasts, the methodologies of teaching has changed thanks to technology but many would raise the question is it or the better or does it make any difference whatsoever.

When I first started out as a student teacher, I found that using technology had many benefits, but I also felt them almost a stabiliser for my lesson planning. This was certainly not a bad thing but it did raise the question am I myself relying too much on technology as a teacher in the classroom, especially even since when I was a child technology has only recently developed. Therefore I decided to further examine the area of using technology in the classroom but more specifically, examining how teachers find using technology and whether to not it has changed the way they teach. Some may say it is a tremendous benefit for any subject, especially when teaching topics which require many visuals. However many might argue it takes away from traditional learning methods which are not frequently used as a result of this flood of technology.

The OECD report certainly helps us to receive and intriguing understanding on where the world is going with technology in education. Ireland is not at the top or bottom of the poll of countries using technology in the classroom; instead we are in the middle. Is this a sufficient level for pupils in their learning environment, especially since so much of their home life is filled with technology, or should Ireland increase the usage of technology in the classroom, as the NMA Horizon report of higher education stated that 90% of jobs will require some ICT skill by the year 2020 and we need to ensure students are equipped to deal with such needs when the time comes.

Therefore I derived three question; what are the benefits of using technology in the classroom for teachers?

  1. I will begin my first chapter by examining the reports of the OECD on use of technology in modern countries as well as the 2014 Horizon Report on higher educatio4n which examines several areas and the use of such new ICT (or Web 2.0 technologies).
    1. How do the OECD and 2014 Horizon Report indicate there is a need for ICT in the modern classroom?
  2. For my second chapter I aim to survey several teachers of different generations and from different types of schools if possible with a series of questions around the enhancement of schools using technology.
    1. What are teachers’ perceptions of ICT in the classroom?
  • Finally, I will deduce all of my work in the third chapter and illustrate the findings of my research and possibly answer the question I set out to answer.
    1. What do my findings tell us about the future of ICT in the classroom?


#5j16, #edchatie, #education, #ict, #teacher, #thesis

Holocaust and Modern Culture, Lecture 1 reflection

Holocaust and Modern Culture, Lecture 1 reflection.

The first lecture for the module of Holocaust and modern culture saw an in depth look into the reason and cause for the holocaust. Social history is in my eyes the most vital aspect of historical events as it depicts as to why people followed a certain belief or ideology. In this case, during the Inter-War period the Nazi party and other fascist groups around Europe rose to power for a variety of reasons. This in turn led to the scapegoating of the Jewish community and furthermore led to one of the worst genocides in modern history.

The lecture began by examining the reports and statistics of both the deaths of the Jewish holocaust but also several other genocides recorded throughout history. The numbers were incredibly thought provoking, and reminds us about the failures of humanity are not too long ago. 1.5 million Children were killed out of the millions killed by the hands of the Germans between the years of 1933 and 1945. These deaths came as a result of the dogma of people who victimised a minority in their society in hopes that it would change and improve the society they lived in. Tomi Reichantal and Philip Biaowotiz, Holocaust survivors from two different parts of Eastern Europe frequently speak of how they were subjected to abuse and discrimination in their day to day lives as Jewish children and from the images we were shown that was clarifying as to what they were subjected to.

The series of provocative and thought provoking images encourage strong reactions for all us in the lecture hall. The images of the cattle carriages with and the explanation of how people forced into incredibly claustrophobic and horrendous conditions was eye opening. These harsh scenarios resulted in the deaths of the passengers before their arrival to the camps. Images have a way of illustrating the severity and bringing us into the severity of the conditions that people were subjected to. Burning of synagogues and churches and homes spoke volumes and reminds us that failures must be accounted for.


The Rise of the Nazi part after the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 and the fall of the Weimar Republic saw the failure of democracy in Germany and the rise of the ultimate fascist party led by Hitler which would go on to result in the deaths of over 6 million Jewish people alone throughout the course of the 1930s and the Second World War.

Overall, I find social history to be of great relevance and without a shadow of a doubt a vital aspect to the Holocaust in order for us to receive a clear understanding of such. However this raises many questions leading in the next lecture. How can such a tragic event promote such intriguing culture and how is it still perceived by the next generation descended from the Jewish persecutors.


#5j16, #holocaust, #mdi, #modern-culture, #postgrad